Submissions for Basta Texas' open call for poster art.
"Today, Texas is ground zero in the fight against extremist anti-immigrant and anti-Latino hate. The Lone Star state led the attack to successfully push the Trump administration to rescind DACA, enacted the most extreme anti-immigrant and anti-Latino laws in the country (SB4), and has expanded the reach of ICE-sheriff entanglement not before seen in any other state. In this context, and in the midst of the Trump era, the act of raising our voices, and celebrating the people’s diverse and vibrant culture is the most powerful resistance. Turning the tide in Texas will require a national movement, powered by creative artists and activists. That is why the Basta Texas campaign is calling on artists from Texas and across the country to resist hate through the power of art and culture with two contests and grant opportunities. Basta Texas is a joint project of the National Day Labor Organizing Network (NDLON) and Jolt."